5 Tips for Hosting a Wine Tasting like a Pro

Does your knowledge of wine end at white or red? Well, that’s no reason why you can’t fake your way through a tasting like a regular sommelier. Here are 5 tips for hosting a wine tasting like a pro that will save you time, money, and the cost of a fancy certification.

*A media preview from Misfits Market inspired this article. It is in no way sponsored.

5. Order your Wine by the Bundle

Rather than just arbitrarily picking up bottles of wine at the grocery store, seek out a place that has bundled them for you based on region or event. Misfits Market has bottle bundles of 3 and 6 with names like Fruit Forward Reds; Bottles for Brunch; and Mediterranean wines, so you already have a hint at what your tasting notes might be. You’ll also get 20 to 30% off by purchasing them in bulk.

Misfit Wines Mediterranean

4. Use the Wine Region to Craft some Pre-Party Cheat Notes

One of the most important tips for hosting a wine tasting like a pro involves keeping the conversation going while the wine is flowing. So use the Wine Region to help you know more than your guests. Just seeing the name 2019 L’arca Pinot Noir Sicily I.G.T. gives you a clue where the grapes came from. Now, can you taste the Volcanic Ash? Describe the terrain where the grapes were grown and help it expand your vocabulary. Instead of “earthy” try “ashy. Also, reference the fruits found in a particular place to help you describe what you’re tasting. So it’s “blood orange” instead of just “citrusy.”

Pinot Noir

3. Select Food Pairings at the same time as your Wine

The right food can really bring out the flavor of a wine, but do you know where to start? Misfits Market takes the guesswork out by telling you exactly what your wine “Pairs well with.” You can then grab it from one of the Aisles and get both food and wine delivered all at once. For example, a 2020 Sous L’Ocean Muscadet pairs best with Bread, Zesty Dishes, and Vegetables, so I enjoyed it with some Goat Cheese, Organic Pears, and Almond Flour Crackers.


2. Chew your Wine instead of Sipping

This is taken directly from wine expert Ferdy Mucerino, a Court of Master Sommeliers Certified Sommelier and a winner of the Best Wine Director of the Year 2019 by Wine Enthusiast. Instead of taking small sips of wine and swirling it around like mouthwash, don’t be afraid to take a big sip and really chew your wine. If you bought your bottles in bulk, you should have enough to go around for larger pours.

5 Tips for Hosting a Wine Tasting like a Pro
Photo Credit: Monica Volpin from Pixabay

1. Sniff your wine your like a Schnauzer

This is another Ferdy Mucerino expert tip, but it will put your wine tasting game over the top! Instead of putting your nose in the wine glass and inhaling it once, take short and fast sniffs like a dog after a bone. You’ll pick up many more details about the wine than you might with just one sophisticated-looking snuffle.

And it will also remind your guests to HAVE FUN at your wine party and keep it from getting too “stuffy.”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

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